About Us
Our History and Heritage
We are deeply rooted in Louisville history -- since 1836, our church has paved the way for Christ and His redeeming love to shine into our community. Our church was formed by way of a merger between St. Paul Evangelical United Church of Christ and Bethel United Church of Christ in December of 1995 and since then, we've continued our mission of bringing Christ's love to all who need Him. Whether you've attended service with us, visited with us for our Turtle Soup Festival (an 80+ year old tradition!) , met us at our Living Nativity during Advent, or just drive by on your way to work, we'd love for you to stop by, say hello, and learn what we're all about!
Love God, love others, live it out!
We strive to be a church where no one walks alone.
Statement of Faith
We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father and to his deeds we testify:
He calls the world into being, creates man in His own image and sets before him the ways of life and death.
He seeks in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
He judges men and nations by His righteous will declared through the prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Lord, he has come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to himself.
He bestows upon us His Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the Church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races.
He calls us into His Church to accept the joy of discipleship, to be His servants in the service of men, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in
Christ’s baptism and eat at his table, to join Him in his passion and victory. He promises to all who trust him forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, his presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in His kingdom which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto him. Amen.
Our Leadership
First and foremost, our passion for Christ empowers each of us in our talents, passions, and ministries; we've all come from diverse backgrounds and life experiences. We're here to listen, encourage, teach and lead our church community on the path set for each of us by our amazing God. We're inspired and blessed by our Lord; for what does the Word say in Joshua 1:9?
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Meet the Staff
Pastor Ben Michaels
Lead Pastor
Pastor Lew Newton
Minister of Evangelism and Outreach
MacKenzie Copeland
Director of Crossroads Kids, Outreach, and Marketing
Ashli Aldrich
Church Administrator
Church Elders
Roy Upton
Lew Newton
David Metz
Bernard Randle
Terri Steinrock
Carol Moore
Maidawa Tari
CCC Elders can be reached by emailing